24-hour blood pressure monitoring, also known as ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM), is a valuable diagnostic tool used in healthcare to gather comprehensive data on an individual’s blood pressure fluctuations throughout a full day.

Unlike traditional blood pressure measurements taken in clinical settings, which may not accurately represent an individual’s typical blood pressure patterns due to white coat hypertension or masked hypertension, ABPM provides a more accurate reflection of one’s blood pressure variability in their daily life.

This non-invasive procedure involves wearing a portable device that automatically measures blood pressure at regular intervals over a 24-hour period, typically at intervals of 15 to 30 minutes during waking hours and less frequently during sleep. By monitoring blood pressure continuously over an extended period, healthcare professionals can identify abnormalities, assess the effectiveness of treatments, and make informed decisions regarding patient care and management of hypertension-related conditions.

Overall, 24-hour blood pressure monitoring plays a crucial role in optimizing patient care by providing a more comprehensive understanding of blood pressure dynamics.