Wart Freezing

Wart freezing, also known as cryotherapy or cryosurgery, is a common medical procedure used to treat warts and other skin lesions by freezing them with extreme cold temperatures. Liquid nitrogen, typically at a temperature of around -196 degrees Celsius (-321 degrees Fahrenheit), is applied directly to the wart using a special device such as a cryospray or cryoprobe. The extreme cold causes the water inside the wart cells to freeze, leading to cellular damage and destruction of the wart tissue.

Wart freezing is a relatively quick and minimally invasive procedure performed in Curragh Grange Family Practice. Multiple freezing sessions may be required to effectively eliminate the wart, depending on its size, location, and severity. After treatment, the wart may form a blister or scab as it heals, eventually falling off within a few weeks. Wart freezing is considered a safe and effective treatment for most types of warts, although there may be some discomfort during the procedure and a risk of mild side effects such as pain, redness, or temporary skin discoloration.

It is important to follow the GPs instructions for post-treatment care to promote proper healing and reduce the risk of complications.